Aurora (Colo.) General Employees’ Retirement Plan is searching for an actuary and auditor, said Thomas Connell, pension plan administrator, in an e-mail.
Both searches are being conducted due to a policy that services go out to bid every five years. Incumbent actuary Gabriel Roeder Smith is invited to rebid. Incumbent auditor CliftonLarsonAllen has already served two five-year-terms and cannot rebid, Mr. Connell said.
If Gabriel Roeder Smith is retained, another responding firm will be selected to perform an independent audit of the valuation methods and assumptions currently used, according to the RFP.
Both RFPs are available on the Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System website. Registration is required.
The actuary RFP is due by 5 p.m. MDT on Aug. 1 with finalist interviews on Sept. 15. The auditor RFP is due by 5 p.m. MDT on Aug. 8, with finalist interviews on Oct. 20.
Hiring decisions are anticipated by the start of 2017.
The pension fund has about $400 million in assets.