Phil Dever, Michelle Donley Holmes and Jonathan Weitz are joining J O Hambro Capital Management in its Boston office.
Mr. Dever has been named a managing director of North American client service, while Ms. Holmes will be a vice president and U.S. marketing manager and Mr. Weitz, senior vice president, North American business manager, said Katie Vande Water, a managing director and head of the asset management practice at Charles Sterling Group, the executive recruiting firm that assisted with the searches.
The positions are new.
Mr. Dever reports to Patrick Seth, head of institutional business, and Ms. Holmes reports to Catherine Field, head of client services and marketing.
Mr. Weitz provides governance, administrative operational and investment risk oversight of the firm's North American activities and supporting implementation of the firm's strategic plans. He reports to Gavin Rochussen, CEO.
Mr. Dever was the director of client service and relationship management at LMCG Investments. Ms. Holmes served as the communications, media and RFP manager at The Boston Company Asset Management. Mr. Weitz was co-director of operations and partner at Century Capital Management, as well as a head trader and equity analyst at the company.
LMCG spokesman Greg Mulready declined to comment on a replacement and a spokesman for Century Capital did not return a phone call.
Boston Co. Asset Management spokeswoman Melissa Cassar said Ms. Holmes' previous duties are being covered internally while the company seeks a replacement.
J O Hambro Capital had $28.5 billion in assets under management as of Dec. 31.