UCLA Foundation’s $1.9 billion endowment investment pool returned 6.4% in the fiscal year ended June 30, said an annual report on the Los Angeles-based foundation’s website.
The return topped the policy benchmark by more than 300 basis points, according to the report. The foundation manages the investments of the university’s endowments.
The endowment investment pool had an annualized three-year return of 11.86% as of June 30, and five- and 10-year annualized returns of 10.01% and 6.59%, respectively, as of that same date.
The foundation did not provide details on individual asset class returns.
As of June 30, the actual allocation of the endowment investment pool was 55% equities, 12% multistrategy assets, 11% private equity/venture capital, 7% credit, 6% real assets, 5% cash and 4% real estate.
Foundation spokesman Phil Hampton did not return a phone call by press time.