University of Florida Foundations’ $1.5 billion endowment pool returned a net 4.5% in the fiscal year ended June 30, a report from University of Florida Investment Corp. said.
The Gainesville-based foundation’s pool outperformed its 60/40 benchmark return, which for the fiscal year was -2.4%. The top-performing asset classes for the endowment pool were private equity and real estate, which returned 17.4% and 14.4%, respectively, outperforming their respective benchmarks of 8.6% and 11.8%.
Hedged strategies returned 4.2%, although it did lag behind its benchmark of 5.8%, while public equities outperformed its 0.7% benchmark, returning 2.5%.
Fixed income and natural resources lagged behind, losing 2.9% and 5%, respectively, for the fiscal year.
The pool’s targets are 80% growth strategies, which are made up of public equities, private equity and hedged strategies; 12.5% inflation, which consists of natural resources and real estate; and 7.5% liquidity, with fixed income and cash.
Actual allocations as of June 30 were 80% growth, 12.6% inflation and 7.4% liquidity.
UFICO manages a total of $2.7 billion for the University of Florida Foundation, University of Florida Research Foundation, University of Florida Athletic Association, and Shands Teaching Hospital and Clinics at the University of Florida.
Steve Orlando, university spokesman, could not immediately provide further information.