Saskatchewan Public Employees Benefits Agency, Regina, is searching for an auditor to conduct annual reviews of the C$8.5 billion ($6.5 billion) Public Employees Pension Plan and the C$2 billion Municipal Employees Pension Plan.
The public employees plan is a defined contribution plan with eight investment options; MEPP is a defined benefit plan.
The selected firm will conduct audits of both plans each year for up to three years, with an option by the agency for two additional years, according to the RFP.
Deloitte is the current auditor for both plans, according to both plans’ 2014 annual reports. The firm can rebid, said Dan Gudmundson, the PEBA’s assistant director, corporate services.
The RFP is on SaskTenders, the province’s public procurement website. Proposals are due at 2 p.m. CDT Aug. 14. A selection is expected in September.