Looking for a big payday? Forget working at hedge funds or in trading. Join FIFA! The average annual salary of an employee of soccer's international governing body is $242,000, compared with $194,000 for traders and $180,000 at hedge funds. That's according to Emolument.com, a compensation benchmarking firm.
The fact that the Federation Internationale de Football Association is a not-for-profit organization has no bearing on its salaries, which are 3.7 times higher than the $66,000 annual average in non-for-profit organizations, emolument.com data show.
“Financial industry professionals must be breathing a sigh of relief that FIFA remuneration is hogging all the limelight,” Alice Leguay, co-founder and chief operating officer, said in a report on Emolument.com's website. “The abyss between FIFA and the average not-for-profit corporation is simply staggering, beyond the simple fact that FIFA employees made more than traders — who are often pointed out as the epitome of greed.”
Data used by Emolument.com came from 2,700 banking, hedge funds and non-for profit-corporations employees; FIFA salary figures came from its annual report.