Is the world a risky place? Screaming headlines warn about inflation risk in the U.S., deflation risk in Europe, geopolitical risk all over the globe, regulatory risk, liquidity risk, and many other kinds of risk. But over the past several years, as the world has struggled to emerge from the financial crisis, equities have been on a tear. The Fed is still hesitant about raising rates too much, too soon. Inflation is nowhere to be seen, and realized volatility remains dampened. So just how risky is the world right now for different types of investors?
Our panel of experts takes on a wide variety of issues related to risk. They tackle this broad topic from a macro and asset allocation view, as well as from an asset class perspective, covering global fixed income and equity markets. And they agree that, when it comes to a forward-looking appraisal of risk, investors would be ill-advised to remain anchored in the recent past. The world is changing, and in each region and asset class investors are facing new, unique, and challenging kinds of risks. But this group of professionals is intent on helping investors sort the signal from the noise— and get positioned to protect their assets while spotting new opportunity.