Management Employees Pension Plan, Edmonton, Alberta, is searching for an investment consultant.
The current consultant is API Asset Performance; its contract with the board expires June 30, said Brenda Chisholm, plan board member. The firm can rebid.
The selected consultant will work under a five-year contract effective July 1.
The firm will provide value-added investment advice and not duplicate the efforts of the C$75 billion Alberta Investment Management Co., Edmonton, which manages the board’s pension assets, according to the RFP.
The RFP is on the website of Alberta Purchasing Connection, the province’s public procurement website.
Proposals are due at noon MDT April 23, with a selection expected May 22, according to the RFP.
The pension plan had C$3.46 billion ($3.23 billion) in assets as of Dec. 31, 2013, the latest data available.