Braintree (Mass.) Contributory Retirement System is seeking proposals from multisector fixed-income managers to run up to $17.3 million.
NEPC, investment consultant to the $173 million defined benefit plan, is assisting with the search.
Only managers with a minimum of $500 million in multisector fixed-income assets under management and with track records of at least three years will be considered. The strategy being proposed must be a mutual or commingled fund.
The RFP is available on NEPC’s website. Proposals are due by 4 p.m. EDT on April 10. A hiring date was not disclosed.
Further information could not be learned. Rosann Morello, manager search supervisor at NEPC, declined to comment beyond what was in the RFP. Jeanne Martineau, director of the pension fund, could not be reached by press time.