Douglas Shulman was named senior executive vice president and global head of client service delivery at Bank of New York Mellon's investment services division.
The position is new, spokesman Ron Gruendl said. Mr. Shulman will report to Brian Shea, vice chairman at Bank of New York Mellon and CEO of BNY Mellon investment services, which includes the firm's client service delivery and other asset servicing businesses. Mr. Shulman's duties had been handled by Mr. Shea, Mr. Gruendl said.
Mr. Shulman was a senior adviser at McKinsey & Co. and a senior fellow at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government. He was commissioner of internal revenue, overseeing the IRS, from 2008 to 2012.
Separately, Daniel Kramer was named executive vice president of client service delivery, reporting to Mr. Shulman. Mr. Kramer replaces Andrew Bell, who retired from the company.
Mr. Kramer was managing director and head of fund services at J.P. Morgan Chase's custody and fund services business. Stephanie Miller, global head of fund services and alternative investment services, replaced Mr. Kramer at J.P. Morgan last summer.