Lexington (Mass.) Contributory Retirement System is searching for a manager to run about $30 million in a global tactical asset allocation portfolio, said an RFP on the website of Meketa Investment Group, investment consultant to the $106 million pension fund.
Only proposals from managers that have at least a three-year track record with the strategy will be considered. In addition, the firm must manage a GTAA strategy with a total capital exceeding $150 million and have $300 million in firmwide assets under management. Proposals must be for only U.S.-domiciled commingled funds, mutual funds or separate accounts.
The RFP can be found on Meketa’s website. Proposals are due at 4 p.m. EST on Jan. 8. A selection date could not be learned.
Marguerite Oliva, retirement board administrator, did not return a call by press time. Meketa investment analyst Timothy Atkinson also did not respond to a request for comment.