JEA, Jacksonville, Fla., is searching for an investment consultant for its $147 million St. Johns River Power Park Defined Benefit Employees' Retirement Plan, $119 million 457 plan and $14 million 401(a) plan.
The community-owned utility company is searching for a consultant to provide investment advice and ongoing performance monitoring services to the SJRPP Pension Advisory Committee and JEA Deferred Compensation Administration Committee, said an RFP posted on the company's website.
Neither information on a current consultant nor a timetable for a decision was made available by press time.
Proposals are due at 2 p.m. EST on Nov. 19. The RFP is available on JEA's website.
Gerri Boyce, spokeswoman for the company, could not provide further information by press time; JEA officials were unavailable.