Dallas Housing Authority is searching for an investment consultant for its $17.8 million 401(a) plan, said an RFP posted on the authority’s procurement website.
Incumbent consultant Castle Rock Investment Co. is invited to rebid.
The deadline for proposals is 4 p.m. CDT on Oct. 16.
The RFP is available on the housing authority’s website. Registration is required.
A timeline for a hiring decision could not be learned by press time.
Syed Raza, director of procurement for the housing authority; Sharon Stafford, human resources manager; and Monica Thorpe, benefits administrator, could not be reached for additional information by press time.
Separately, the housing authority hired Lincoln Financial Group as record keeper and trust services provider for the 401(a) plan, effective Jan. 1, 2015, according to an addendum to the investment consultant RFP. An RFP for record keeping and trust services was issued in April. It could not be learned by press time whether the incumbent record keeper, Retirement Horizons, or the incumbent trust services provider, TD Ameritrade, rebid.