Maine Public Employees Retirement System, Augusta, made three new commitments totaling up to $160 million, said Andrew Sawyer, chief investment officer, in an e-mail.
The $12.6 billion pension fund committed up to $60 million to Kelso Investment Associates IX, a buyout fund managed by Kelso & Co. The pension fund previously committed $3 million to Kelso Investment Associates VIII in January 2011.
The pension fund also committed up to $50 million to H.I.G. Bayside Loan Opportunity Fund IV, a distressed debt fund managed by H.I.G. Capital.
It is the seventh commitment to an H.I.G. Capital fund for the pension fund, the most recent of which was up to $60 million to H.I.G. Middle Market LBO Fund II, a middle-market buyout fund in November 2013.
The pension fund also committed up to $50 million to ACM Permanent Crops, managed by Agriculture Capital Management. It is the first fund for ACM, which was founded in 2012.