John Bilton joined J.P. Morgan Asset Management as head of the global strategy team, said a spokeswoman.
The role is new and Mr. Bilton started last week in London.
The team is part of the money manager's investment management solutions global multiasset group. Along with other members of the team, he is responsible for determining global economic and asset allocation strategies.
Mr. Bilton reports to James Elliot, chief investment officer, international investment management solutions global multiasset group.
He previously was head of European investment strategy at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, and was responsible for European equity strategy and broader asset allocation research. A spokesman for BAML said his role was absorbed by Obe Ejikeme, European equity and quantitative strategist.
“(Mr. Bilton) brings extensive asset allocation experience and leadership to our existing team,” said Mr. Elliot in a news release. “He will work closely with our quantitative research team and portfolio managers, across asset classes, to continue to build our asset allocation capabilities globally.”