Registration for Pensions & Investments" third annual Best Places to Work in Money Management closes May 16.
If you work in money management and you like where you work, make sure your organization is registered.
All organizations with 20 or more U.S. employees are eligible.
Register at
Anyone can register, but the primary contact must be someone who can answer questions about hiring, compensation and benefits. Those questions will be included in an employer survey to be sent in June to the primary contact listed on the registration form.
Organizations registering will complete the employer survey and submit e-mail addresses for employees to receive an employee survey.
The global survey unit of Buck Consultants, P&I's partner on Best Places to Work in Money Management, will use the survey results to rank those organizations that completed the process.
Ranking will be based 60% on responses to the employee survey and 40% on responses to the employer survey.
The rankings and profiles of those on the list will be featured in the Dec. 8 issue of P&I. Those ranked also receive plaques and posters.
Employers do not have to be money management firms to be considered for Best Places to Work in Money Management. Last year, for example, the investment office of the California State Teachers' Retirement System made the grade.
Last year, 25 organizations in five categories were recognized as best places to work. In 2012, 15 in three categories were honored.