New York State Teachers’ Retirement System, Albany, is looking for a firm to provide “non-discretionary general investment consulting/advisory services,” according to an RFP posted on the $103 billion pension fund’s website.
The RFP is for services currently provided by Hewitt EnnisKnupp, wrote John Cardillo, a spokesman for the pension fund, in an e-mailed response to questions. Its contract expires Jan. 31, 2015, and the firm is invited to rebid, he wrote.
The firm should “provide objective, creative and conflict-free advice, including on-site consultation and assistance,” said the RFP, which is posted on the pension fund’s website. The advice sought covers asset allocation, including the performance of an asset-liability study and analysis; portfolio rebalancing; and comparing the pension fund’s asset allocation with those of peers.
Other duties include assisting with manager searches, selection and terminations; providing research reports on managers; advising on risk management and corporate governance; and conducting fiduciary education sessions for pension fund board members.
Candidates must submit applications by 2 p.m. EDT June 11. Applications should be sent to Joe Romand, Purchasing Unit, New York State Teachers’ Retirement System, 10 Corporate Woods Drive, Albany, NY 12211-2395. The application envelope should contain the phrase: “NYSTRS RFP #14-18.”
The contract will be awarded in November, and will take effect Feb. 1, 2015. The contract runs for 12 months, with four one-year extensions possible.