Austin (Texas) Police Retirement System will select finalists on April 15 for active growth and value domestic midcap equity managers, Sampson Jordan, CEO, said in an e-mailed response to questions.
Growth semifinalists are Baird Investment Management, Geneva Capital Management, Janus Capital Group, Stephens Investment Management and Westfield Capital Management.
Value semifinalists are Herndon Capital Management, NewSouth Capital Management, Seizert Capital Partners, Thompson Siegel & Walmsley and WEDGE Capital Management.
Finalists will be interviewed at the $610 million pension fund's May 18 meeting.
Austin Police is adding midcap managers “for further U.S. equity diversification,” Mr. Jordan said.
At least one growth and one value manager will be hired. Allocations and funding sources have yet to be determined. The Bogdahn Group, the pension fund's investment consultant, conducted the invitation-only search.