A look at how institutional investors' alternative investment portfolios performed through Dec. 31, 2013. According to data tracked by InvestorForce, real estate posted the highest one-year return. For the 10-year period, private equity had the highest annualized return, at just over 10%. Returns are asset-level (total) returns, gross of fees, as reported by plans in the universe and presented on an aggregate basis.
Real estate: Includes direct core holdings, listed REITs and high-risk opportunistic plays.
Private equity: Includes all private equity except venture capital.
Hedge funds: Includes all strategies and funds of funds.
Real assets/commodities: Includes energy, agriculture and precious metals.
Source: InvestorForce. InvestorForce is a provider of performance reporting products and services to investment consultants, money managers and their clients. The InvestorForce platform is used by investment consultants to report on more than $3 trillion of assets for over 4,500 institutional plans.
Compiled and designed by Timothy Pollard and Gregg A. Runburg