Most P&I Online readers do not put much stock in the fabled Super Bowl Indicator, according to a P&I Online poll.
The theory goes that if an NFC team (the Seahawks this year) wins the Super Bowl, the stock market will rise, and if an AFC team (the Broncos this year) wins, the market will drop. About 45% of respondents answering whether the indicator mattered to them when the game is played Feb. 2 answered no. About 11% answered yes. The balance of the respondents indicated that they were fans of either the Broncos or Seahawks.
Broncos fans outnumbered Seahawks fans. Almost 28% of poll respondents answered “No, I'm a Broncos fan, so I'm hoping for an exception to the rule" whereas about 16% of respondents selected “Yes, I'm a Seahawks fan, so an up market would be an added bonus.”