Illinois State Board of Investment, Chicago, issued an RFP for proxy-voting and ESG advisory services.
ISBI, which oversees $14.2 billion in defined benefit assets, seeks proxy-voting research and recommendations as well as management of its domestic and international proxy voting. In addition, ISBI is looking for tracking and monitoring of environmental, social and governance factors of its domestic and international holdings.
ISBI has $4.6 billion of its DB assets in domestic equity, and $2.9 billion each in international equity and fixed income.
ISBI is seeking firms that can provide one or both of the services, according to the RFP. Further information was unavailable.
The RFP is available on ISBI's website. Proposals are due Feb. 14. ISBI expects to make a decision by March 21.
Plan officials couldn't be reached because the ISBI office was closed for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.