Robert D. Arnott was named winner of the 2013 William F. Sharpe Indexing Lifetime Achievement Award.
The award, which carries no cash prize, was presented to Mr. Arnott, chairman, CEO and founder of Research Affiliates, Monday at a conference in Scottsdale, Ariz., hosted by the Journal of Index Investing and Information Management Network, which together founded the award.
“Over his 30-year career, Robert Arnott has endeavored to bridge the worlds of academic theorists and financial markets,” including pioneering “unconventional portfolio strategies that are now widely applied, including tactical asset allocation, global tactical asset allocation, tax-advantaged equity management,” and fundamental indexing, according to a joint statement about the award from the journal and IMN.
In addition, Mr. Arnott was a co-nominee for ETF/Indexing Paper of the Year with co-authors Jason C. Hsu, chief investment officer, and Vitali Kalesnik, vice president and head of equity, both of Research Affiliates; and Phil Tindall, senior investment consultant, Towers Watson, for “The Surprising Alpha From Malkiel's Monkey and Upside-Down Strategies,” published in the Journal of Portfolio Management's summer issue.
Mr. Hsu and Omid Shakernia, vice president-research, Research Affiliates, were named winners of ETF/Indexing Paper of the Year for “A Framework for Examining Asset Allocation Alpha,” published in the Journal of Index Investing's spring issue.
Previous recipients of the annual William F. Sharpe Indexing Lifetime Achievement Award include Mr. Sharpe, professor of finance, emeritus, Stanford University, and Harry M. Markowitz, president, Harry Markowitz Associates. Both Messrs. Sharpe and Markowitz were 1990 Nobel laureates in economics. Other winners include Joanne M. Hill, head of investment strategy, Proshare Advisors; David M. Blitzer, managing director and chairman of the index committee, S&P Dow Jones Indices; and Ronald J. Ryan, CEO and chief financial architect, Ryan ALM.
A list of judges of the awards wasn't available.