Pennsylvania State Employees' Retirement System, Harrisburg, made new commitments totaling $100 million, confirmed spokeswoman Pamela Hile.
The $25.9 billion pension fund committed $50 million to Regional Real Estate Investment Corp. to establish a real estate separate account in a venture with the Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust. The separate account will invest exclusively within Pennsylvania. Real estate consultant The Townsend Group assisted.
Separately, the pension fund committed up to $20 million to Eureka III, a buyout fund focusing on lower middle-market companies managed by Eureka Growth Capital. Alternatives consultant StepStone Group assisted.
The pension fund also invested $15 million each in Samlyn Onshore Fund, a fundamental long/short equity fund managed by Samlyn Capital, and Stelliam Fund, a dedicated U.S. long/short equity fund managed by Stelliam Investment Management. Diversifying assets consultant Albourne America assisted.
The pension fund also announced a return of 10.3% return net of fees for the year ended June 30.