Canada Pension Plan Investment Board and General Board of Pension and Health Benefits of the United Methodist Church each have voted their Dell Inc. shares in favor of the company-endorsed buyout, led by Michael S. Dell, chairman and CEO, and Silver Lake Partners, according to statements from the funds.
The C$188.9 billion (US$182.6 billion) CPPIB, owned 2.2 million Dell shares as of March 31.
The $19 billion United Methodist board, Glenview, Ill., owned 190,743 shares as of June 30.
Dell has rescheduled the vote on the buyout proposal for Sept. 12.
The Dell/Silver Lake proposal would take the company private, offering $13.75 a share and a 13-cent-per-share special dividend.
A joint effort by Carl Icahn, affiliated Icahn funds and Southeastern Asset Management seeks to defeat the proposal to open the way for the company to consider its counteroffer, which would offer $14 a share, while keeping the company public.
The Delaware Chancery Court scheduled a hearing for Friday on consolidated lawsuits filed by Mr. Icahn and a group of six pension funds, challenging Dell's change of the voting rules and seeking an injunction on the vote.