Illinois State Universities Retirement System, Champaign, selected six semifinalists in its search for a general investment consultant, according to Daniel L. Allen, chief investment officer of the $15.9 billion system.
The six are incumbent Callan Associates, Hewitt EnnisKnupp, R. V. Kuhns & Associates, Marquette Associates, NEPC and Strategic Investment Solutions.
The investment committee of the SURS board plans to interview representatives of the firms Aug. 14 and 15.
Staff and the committee will report to the board Sept. 12 with a recommendation of finalists to be interviewed at the Oct. 17 investment committee meeting, Mr. Allen said in an e-mail response to questions.
SURS issued an RFP in May for general investment and real estate consulting services for its $14.7 billion defined benefit plan and $1.2 billion 401(a) plan.
The board could hire a consultant that provides both services or consultants for separate services. Callan Associate also provides real estate consulting to SURS.
“We are conducting general interviews first and will discuss (the findings) with the board,” Mr. Allen wrote in the e-mail. “At that point, the board will identify the direction going forward for consideration of a potential real estate consultant separate from the general consultant.”
Callan's contract expires Dec. 31.