Lycoming County Employees' Retirement System, Williamsport, Pa., is searching for domestic large-cap value and growth equity managers, and a domestic core fixed-income manager, each to run $15 million, confirmed Seth Lynn Jr., senior consultant at Dahab Associates, investment consultant to the $80 million pension fund.
C.S. McKee now manages active large-cap value and core fixed income in a $30 million balanced portfolio. The pension fund is looking to potentially separate the portfolio into separate long-term allocations, Mr. Lynn said in a telephone interview. Garcia Hamilton & Associates manages the $15 million active large-cap growth allocation. Both managers are invited to rebid.
The RFP is for active or passive strategies.
The RFP is available on Dahab's website. Proposals are due at 5 p.m. EDT May 8 for the equity searches and 5 p.m. EDT May 10 for core fixed income. Hiring decisions are expected in early fall.