State-Boston Retirement System is searching for at least one manager to run up to a total of $40 million in value-added and opportunistic real estate, according to an RFP posted on the website of NEPC, consultant to the $3.3 billion pension fund.
Respondents must be raising a closed-end fund with a close no earlier than Dec. 31, according to the RFP. Preference will be given to firms that have raised at least two prior value-added or opportunistic funds and to firms raising at least $300 million in their current fund.
The RFP is available on NEPC's website. Proposals are due at 4 p.m. EDT Nov. 2. A hiring date was not specified.
Daniel Greene, executive director of the retirement system, and Kristin Reynolds, partner and senior consultant at NEPC, did not return telephone calls or e-mails by press time for additional information.