Karen Carraher was named interim executive director of Ohio Public Employees Retirement System, Columbus, confirmed spokeswoman Julie Graham-Price.
Ms. Carraher is director of finance of the $75.7 billion system. She is taking on the duties of CEO Christopher DeRose, who announced his departure earlier this month.
The system has issued an RFP for an executive search firm to conduct a nationwide search for a new executive director, according to the RFP posted on the system’s website.
Finalists will meet with the board next month. The deadline for proposals is noon EST March 4. RFPs should be sent to: Jay Yoho, purchasing supervisor, Ohio Public Employees Retirement System, 277 E. Town St., Columbus, OH 43215-4642.
The RFP can be found at www.opers.org/about/vendor/index.shtml.