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Real estate managers
Pensions & Investments is accepting late responses to the annual survey of real estate investment managers. Firms managing real estate assets or REIT securities for U.S. institutional tax-exempt investors are eligible to participate. Responses are due Aug. 30. Results will run Oct. 7.
DC Strategies
Responses to P&I's annual survey of defined contribution strategies are due Sept. 13. Firms managing proprietary mutual funds, ETFs or target-date strategies for U.S. institutional tax-exempt DC plans are eligible to participate. Results will run Oct. 21.
Index managers
P&I's annual survey of index managers is underway with responses due by Sept. 27. Firms managing index strategies, including passive, enhanced, ETFs/ETNs and factor-based for U.S. institutional tax-exempt investors are eligible to participate. Results will run Nov. 4.
To request a survey or obtain further information, please contact Anthony Scuderi or at 212-210-0140 or visit Pensions & Investments' survey section.